Having issues with iCloud? Try this…

Having issues with iCloud? Try this…

The iCloud copy process is intentional rather than silent. See iCloud sync article for how it works and why.

  • You have to select a notebook and copy it to the cloud then copy it from the cloud on another device. If you are doing it this way and still is not working, do the following:
    • Make sure to keep local copies on all devices
    • Turn off iCloud from the app settings on both devices
    • Go to your Mac or PC and access iCloud (on the mac it is accessible from settings).
    • Select App data, then MagicalPad
    • Delete all MagicalPad app data on iCloud,
    • Turn back on iCloud on both devices from the app settings
    • Push a notebook from one device and make sure to see it on the other device
    • Once you see it, you need to Copy from the cloud. this will overwrite the local copy so make sure you want to do that or create a new copy.
    • Then repeat the same process for the other notebooks.

I hope this helps. If this still doesn’t work, please get more details and contact our Support.


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